Wednesday, November 14, 2007

I fell and broke my bones

I just reemembered a lady I met in Brisbane 3 years ago. She was a sad story. Her life was riddle with holes. Literally, i must say.

Her name is Angie( I have changed it ) and she was a single mother of 2 beautiful girls, one 6 and the other 8 years old. Angie was struggling when I met her with osteoporosis , so bad that she could not walk at the age of 36. She needed a wheel chair to move around and life was really hard especially with the energy of two small children around her all the time.

After I saw her condition I started to read more about her disease. You very often hear people say that they went to a doctor to find out that they have osteoporosis, this normally happens after a fall and broken bones. The comment is that we feel and broke our bone.

The reality is that your body weight just could not be supported by your leg bones and while you were walking one of the bones spanned and you fell. So the broken bone happened before the fall. The sad thing is that only after your doctor's visit do you get told that you have osteoporosis.

More about Osteoporosis in my next post.


Monday, November 12, 2007

How fibre in the diet can reduce Diabetes

Dear Friends

When I was in Kuala Lumpur i attended a seminar and was quite amazed to learn how fibre helps us to keep things well in our system.

As you are aware the dietary fibre we have is insoluble and is never absorbed by our bodies. Yet we do need them to play a part in our daily process. There are two types of fibres and you can get those notes from my blogs written in Aug-Sept this year.

Fibres keep the gut clean and help to reduce the absorption of toxic waste that maybe in the large gut from reentring the digestive system again. This in turns can help to further reduce diabetes or hypertension.

The Effects of Arthritis And Alternative Medicine

Arthritis is a disease of the joints, ligament, tendons and bones in which they become inflamed. Or destroyed, causing much pain for the individual with h\this disease. This disease of the joints and bones affect numerous parts of our body including some organs.

Most medical practitioners recommend pain relievers and anti-inflammatory drugs to ease the pain of the disease. These are actually chemically formulated medication that can sometimes harm us when taken regularly. Many of the people who suffer from this degenerative disease start to feel the symptoms around their fiftieth year. Due to the sudden popularity of alternative medicine, these people have resorted to treating arthritis with alternative medicine.

There are several dozens of different kinds of arthritis. There are some with different cause while others have similar ones. These causes can be build up of crystals or uric acid on ligaments and joints which make movement of any kind painful.

Arthritis And Alternative Medicine Remedies

There are plenty alternative medicines which can affect the symptoms and causes of arthritis. Arthritis and alternative medicine remedies have been around for centuries. These herbal concoctions are not the same with the chemical drugs and medications that doctors often prescribe to their patients. Curing arthritis and alternative medicine a remedy to alleviate its discomfort is still being practiced especially in Asia and in other parts of the world. Some of the more effective alternative medicine for arthritis is acupuncture, chiropractic and herbal medicine. These are all from the east and they have been practiced their for centuries.

Herbal medicine is a popular source of remedy for arthritis and alterative medicine. The many tinctures, oils and teas help to relieve the discomfort of the individual. These herbal concoctions are better than most chemically formulated drugs because our bodies recognize them as organic elements which are similar to our make up. Oils can immediately ease the pain of the person due to the direct application on the affected area.

Chiropractic medicine believes that the spine is the central point of a person’s well being. The correct alignment and position of the vertebrae supports the overall well being and health of a person. Regular visits are needed to maintain the health of the person.

Those who suffer from arthritis and alternative medicine believers may find that these two are highly effective in alleviating and even decreasing the inflammation and pain. Chiropractic and acupuncture both have something to do with parts of the body being responsible for other parts.

A Few Considerations With Regard To Choosing Complementary Alternative Medicine

Complementary alternative medicine refers to ways of practicing medicine in which the conventional means are not included and though it is often hard to define what this form of medicines are and what they are not since the treatments can change according to different treatments, there is enough to suggest that they use an altogether different approach to treating patients as compared with conventional medicines.

Used In Conjunction Or Separate To Conventional Medicines

Complementary alternative medicine refer to treatments that may be used in conjunction with conventional means of treating patients and good examples of these complimentary means include use of Tai Chi and even massaging that complement the normal prescription medicines that are being taken to treat anxiety in patients. If the emphasis however is on substituting conventional medicines with those that are not conventional medicines, complementary alternative medicine takes an altogether different route such as visiting a homeopath or even a naturopath rather than consulting a regular doctor.

Nevertheless, it is common for complementary alternative medicine to base on a few principles which may even be quite like those related to conventional medicines though mostly they may be different. Among the more common principles used in this form of medicine are that the body heals itself, prevention is preferred to curing, and learning as well as healing are also complimentary to one another.

You can help your body by going organic by using produce that is grown locally in small farms.

There is some good reasons why conventional doctors may be skeptical about complementary alternative medicine because some of the claims made on behalf of this form of medicine may be vastly exaggerated and also because sometimes you may be asked to forego your conventional medicines, and worst of all, in some cases the complementary alternative medicine may even end up hurting you.

It is thus a good idea to work in consultation with a conventional family doctor before you consider complementary alternative medicine as an alternative since you can then get the required information and advice regarding benefits and risks, and thus make an informed decision. So, even if your friends advice you to switch to complementary alternative medicine, you may still be better served by heeding the advice of a professional who can show you the relative merits and demerits of various kinds of complementary alternative medicine including ayurvedic, acupuncture, herbs and even homeopathy.

There are also five broad categories of complementary alternative medicine as charted out by the National Institutes of Health and these are healing systems, mind-body connections, dietary supplements and herbs, manipulation and touch, and energy therapies. Even though you may yourself prefer complementary alternative medicine, there are still many doctors that are opposed to this form of medicine and will thus not even want to discuss the problem with you.

Shopping for Alternative Medicine Products

Alternative medicine is a great option that is available to you which can help tremendously with your health, and which allows you to refrain from feeling forced to use typical, conventional prescription medications, as so many of us do these days. Far too often patients find themselves suffering from some sickness or illness and go into the doctor only to get put on some form of medication.

Alternative medicine products on the other hand work by determining what the actual problem is and then dealing with it appropriately, rather than just covering it up. Sure this medication may help the problem to go away, but it is really only covering up the problem or coating over it for the meantime.

Types of Alternative Medicine Products

There are quite a few different options that you have when it comes to alternative medicine products, and this includes but is certainly not limited to: Aloe Vera, Angelica, Arnica, Burdock, Chamomile, Cayenne, Comfrey, Damiana, Dandelion, Dong Quai, Echinacea, Fenugreek, Garlic, Ginger, Ginkgo Biloba, Ginseng, Gotu Kola, Kava Kava, Licorice, Maitake, Saw Palmetto, and Yohimbe.

They are rich in nutrients and for ages have been used as medicines for breast maladies, bloating, digestive disorders, aching joints, fevers, and even skin conditions. For many people dandelion is nothing more than an annoying weed that keeps coming back, but to alternative medicine professionals it is one of the best plants available. Each of these alternative medicine products is different and offers its own benefits, but there are a few in particular which are especially commonly used, including dandelion.

Green Tea is another of the most well known and used alternative medicine products, and is famous all over the world for the numerous health benefits it offers. Today green tea is used to treat a variety of health problems, everything from depression and headaches to gastrointestinal disorders and aches and pains.

Also green tea has shown to help lower LDL cholesterol, which in turn helps to reduce one’s risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Other studies show the possibility of green tea having the ability to restrain cancer, as the polyphenols in the tea stopped the spreading of melanoma cells in scientific experiments on animals and it is believed that it may be able to do the same for human subjects.

Regardless of which particular alternative medicine products you use, the main point here is that you are choosing a healthier, more effective means of treatment and are thereby taking better care of your health overall.

Depression and Alternative Medicine Cures

Alternative medicine has often been used for conditions and sicknesses that many people think are incurable or hard to cure. Depression and alternative medicine may have a future together as something that can help alleviate the state of depression in a person. In some cases of depression

Another depression and alternative medicine remedy is St, John’s Wort. This remedy for depression and alternative medicine wonder has been in use for centuries. It is the flowers of the plant that is used to make an infusion to cure depression and melancholy. It can also help with anxiety and feelings of worthlessness.

Siberian Ginseng can also help to alleviate depression by helping to balance the neurotransmitters in our brain. It helps to alleviate a person’s sense of well being and worthiness.

As for depression and alternative medicine cures or remedies, there are many. The more popular remedy that most people use to remedy depression is licorice. It is a very effective anti-depressant that works wonders for people with clinical depression. There are some side-effects of too much licorice consumption such as headaches, water retention, lethargy and high blood pressure.

Ginkgo is also great for depression and alternative medicine wonder herb. It has been around for centuries and is one of the herbs that are used for many remedies. There are also some side effects of taking large doses of ginkgo; these are diarrhea, restlessness and irritability.

Depression and alternative medicine has come a long way from what it was before. Any people now know what depression is and how to treat it accordingly. Many of the drugs that doctors use to treat depression may be based on the herbal medicine s that have been used long ago.

What I have been using for Diabetes

As you are aware I have been using 2 products everyday for the last 2 years for my diabetes. There are the Essentials and Profavonol.

The Essentials are 2 bottles of 112 tablets each of a Potent Multivitamin and a Mega Antioxidant made by Usana Health Sciences. I take 2 of each twice a day after meals with a glass of water.

Now I have read Dr Ray Strands book and he recommends that one should also take BioOmega-3 and Active Calium Plus with help with the condition if you have full blown diabetes. He mentions that you should not stop your medication but tell your doctor what you are taking and check your blood results every 3 months to see if your condition has improved for the better. Your doctor will advise you if you need to lower your medication depending upon your results. This is what I have done.

I have personally seen many of my friends get better over 5 to 6 months and more so after a year on being on the very best nutrition on the market.

You cannot get them from the store but on line direct from the company. If you know of anyone who may need these products you may go direct to the company website or register at our member site and ask us to help you share this with someone you love.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Alternative Medicine Guidelines Protects Integrity Of Practice

Just about any type of healthcare that does not fall under the auspices of conventional medicine is considered to be alternative forms of medicine. As with any disciplines, alternative medicine guidelines exist for practitioners to have a baseline for treatment of different ailments. In addition to many of the alternative forms of medicine, there are some methods used in conjunction with modern medicine, termed complementary therapy, used to help traditional medicine achieve wellness.

Organizations have been formed for those practicing medicine not considered mainstream and there are alternative medicine guidelines that each practitioner follows. Originating in China, acupuncture is said to stimulate nerve points affecting the nerve impulses that adjusts the flow of vital energy. Some in the West use acupuncture as an analgesic or as anesthesia. The alternative medicine guidelines covering this practice insures patients are protected against dirty needles and nerve damage from improper placement.

Herbal medicine is also covered by alternative medicine guidelines due to the potential of interaction between natural remedies and prescription drugs. Using various extractions from botanicals, herbs and spice have been used for centuries as medicine, especially when compounded to treat a variety of ailments.

Some Alternatives Treat Entire Being

Similar to the practices of ancient Chinese medicine, holistic medicine believes in the treatment of the entire being to affect a cure instead of treating the symptoms. By getting to the root cause, alternative medicine guidelines for holistic medicine closely parallels the Yin-Yang theory of the Chinese medical theory. Early beliefs are that two sources of power exist in the human body, and to expel the symptoms of ailments, the two powers have to brought back into a harmonious balance.

Some believe that treating like with like will offer a better opportunity for a cure with the homeopathic form of alternative medicine guidelines. By vastly diluting an ingredient that causes similar symptoms as the disease can be given to a patients to cure their ailment. While there appears to be no research and scientific support for this type of medical practice, many follow the alternative medicine guidelines for homeopathy, being opposed to traditional medical treatments.

Skeletal complaints are often handled by a chiropractor who specializes in adjusting the musculo-skeletal system to relieve pain. Muscles, joints and tendons can be adjusted through manipulation to provide relief for a variety of complaints. In these practices, alternative medicine guidelines are strictly followed as a wrong diagnosis and improper manipulation can cause permanent damage to the skeletal system.

Popular Approaches in Alternative Medicine

Alternative medicine can be defined as any medical treatment that is outside of the realm of conventional medicine of today. This can include a number of different types of approaches, including acupuncture, chiropractic care, and herbal medicine. In most cases of alternative medicine, you can be treated under the supervision of a professional who has spent a number of years training in his science.

And sure that you use a qualified professional by asking about the amount of experience the person has, and whether he is certified in his field of study. You can also request references, so that you can inquire of others who have been under his treatment or care. If you are interested in finding out more about the different forms of alternative medicine, you can begin with three of the most popular types of treatment options.


Acupuncture is usually thought of as needle therapy, but other techniques used in this form of alternative medicine include heat, friction, pressure or forms of electromagnetic therapy. The idea behind acupuncture is to stimulate the skin and improve the flow of qi to improve overall health. This method of alternative medicine is designed not only to treat a variety of medical conditions; it can also be used to reduce and manage chronic pain and to maintain good health.

Chiropractic Care

The basis of chiropractic care is to treat the overall body by keeping the spine in proper alignment. Chiropractors believe that by maintaining the proper spinal alignment, the body is free to heal itself from any possible diseases or conditions. This alignment is achieved and maintained through a series of spinal adjustments, known as manipulations. While many of these manipulations are manual in nature, chiropractors also have a variety of tools that they can use in certain circumstances.

Herbal Medicine

Herbal medicine involves dietary supplements that are made from plant materials, and can be used for a variety of purposes. While some forms of this alternative medicine are used to maintain good health, others can be used to treat disease and illness. If you are interested in using this form of alternative medicine, it is a good idea to talk to an herbalist about the best choices for you.

Alternative medicine has been used successfully for centuries in one form or another. If you are interested in trying out a form of alternative medicine, your best bet is to find a qualified professional in the field who can advise you properly.

Some of the symptoms of Diabetes

I just remembered what my father said to me a couple of years ago. We were sitting watching a movie while he was visiting from India and he saw me scratching my toes alot. I mentioned to him that it started a couple of years ago and the scratching sensation just seem to come on without any notice.

To my suprise he said that I should get my blood sugar checked as it was one of the signs of Type 2 disabetes setting in. To my surprise he was right. I noticed that every time I had some thing sweet the scratching feeling would start again. I also noticed that it could come on with foods or drink that were high in calories. This included beer and wine.

To get more information on this and other degenerative diseases please ask us at our members website. We have a series of articles that go out to our members to help them combat diabetes, etc.

Saturday, November 10, 2007


Dear Friends

I just came back from Malaysia spending 11 months there and it was the most enjoyable expereince of my life. As most people would say Malaysia is the melting pot of cultures and I was lucky to share in its rich heritage.

I was also exposed to an ugly side of its life and that was the destruction that degerative diseases were creating in families all over the country. The most evident one that could be seen or heard on peoples' lips were diabetes. As you are aware that there are 2 types of diabetes. the one I was talking here about is Type 2 Diabetes. This can be avoided. I started to share what i know about the diseases with the Malaysians and how good dietary habits and small amount of exercise and proper supplementation could help them.

As you are aware we find it hard to change habits we have created and especially if the Malaysian food is so tasty its really hard to change to lesser. I started to see if that my Malaysian friends really had a good excuse not to stay healthy. Digging into my notes on supplementation I found out that if they could find a very high quality supplement rich in antioxidants and trace minerals and also use a potent grape seed extract they stood a chance.

I mentioned this to a handful of my new friends in KL and soon they took my advice. They found that a ceratin company called Usana Health Sciences had just opened for business in Jan this year and that they could buy it direct from the company and save money on retail yet not skim on quality. They told me that my advice to take The Essentials and Proflavonol was the best thing that I could have shared with them. The good news is that some of them have started to lower their level of insulin since Jan. I would recommend that you check with your doctor before you change any of your medication, though you should seriously start looking at alternative medicine to cure you.

I have placed some interesting videos on my website and you should take a look at if this is of interest to you. You could change someone life for the better.

You may also consider going organic in your food choices.


Why Eat Organic Foods?

Why Eat Organic Foods? Have you ever wondered why a man or woman should include raw food in their daily diet? Certainly, the reasons are quite a few. However, the most significant of them all is given by the genuine blessings that
document.write(" organic foods");
organic foods bestow on the human body. This is the unblemished truth: nothing is healthier for our body and mind than the crude, unprocessed foods the body was actually prearranged to use. Lets look at this issue from this point of view: which was this prearrangement? Were we expected to use  in order to sustain the health of our body and mind  McChicken or French fries on a regular basis? Were we set to consume the liquid sugars that some of us ingest on a daily basis from the many soft drinks marketed by big corporations? The answer to such questions is obvious: it is crystal clear that initially our body was not programmed to function on the basis of such artificial nutrients.

Organic Food Made Easy

Food production went through huge changes after the Second world War as our cities grew bigger and sprawled, and food had to be transported from further away. farms also grew bigger and monocultures, the farming of a single crop became the normal way of reducing costs and maximising efforts.. Marginal lands and wind breaks were also cleared to exploit the available farmland, with the result that soil erosion and salinity problems are increasing every year and more land is becoming uneconomical to farm.
With an almost total reliance on machinery, and chemical pesticides and artificial fertilizers, to create conventional foods, every trick in the book is employed to grow foods faster, bigger and looking "perfect". Great pressure is placed on conventional farmers to produce food "cheaply" as possible.
A result of this is that every year 4000 farmers leave the land as small family farms become unaviable creating a huge social impact and the erosion of country communities. Some of the other contributing factors are masive farm debts, prolong droughts, increasing competition from imported foods and wide spread soil degradation.

Certified Organic farming is Sustainable Agriculture
This method of farming can be sustained with minimal long term effects on the enviorment, and none of the potential health effects from exposure to chemicals.
ORGANIC farming is a lifestyle choice. Most farms are small family operations. It is labour intensive work. Weeds are usually hand clipped and pulled maually, not sprayed with toxic chemicals. the farmers cannot use the chemical fungicides, weedicides, pesticides, sprays, dips, antibiotics, hormones, growth promotants, artificial fertilizers etc, that are used in conventional farming to produce "cheap" foods.

Thursday, November 08, 2007