Sunday, August 12, 2007

Here is an email I received from one of my team members

I have left the team members name out but alot of us have been on the Reset and have been finding similiar benefits.


PS : if you have an interest in health and want a good supplement or a meal replacement product then please go to our website at Supplements

I am very excited by the results I am having with the RESET program andwanted to write about another benefit I am finding! The clinical trialsdone are impressive.

I bet if there was testing done on systemicinflamation, there would be a substantial decrease in that too! That's what I am wanting to write about.

I have a disease called TransverseMyelitis, which is a very rare autoimmune disease, a cousin to MS. As withmost autoimmune diseases, I have substantial inflamation in my system. I have investigated how diet will help with inflamation, together with oursupplements, and Biomega 3 and proflavonol in particular. Eating a highalkaline diet is indicated - no meat, wheat, dairy, coffee, tobacco, orwine.

Doing the RESET program pretty much ensures a low glycemic AND A HIGHALKELINE diet and I am amazed to be waking up each morning withsubstantially less pain than I usually experience.

So, I am very excited about another benefit of our RESET program and plan tocontinue with Phase II for a long time.... All the best, AP Canada

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